We had limited success at the last Tea Shop that we visited. After further research we identified a Tao Tea Leaf shop nearby in Union Station. But this shop was very limited and had no loose teas for sale. We asked if there was a location that sold loose teas and they sent us out to Yonge Street 2.5 miles away. Luckily it was close to a subway stop off of the #1 line. An entirely new part of town for us and a jackpot on the loose teas, as you can see above. We got green teas, white teas, teas with roasted rice and even an oolong tea recommended by the shop keeper. What was supposed to be a quick jaunt over to Union Station and back for lunch, has turned out to be an excursion. We poured over the maps and found a route back home that took us along Spadina and China Town. So Dim Sum for lunch was the most logical course of action. The restaurant seemed familiar and it turns out that we ate there back in 2018 during out previous stay in Toronto. We know how to re-pick 'em.
This is the kind of tea shop we had envisioned
Lots to choose from
No monkeys were harmed in the taking of this picture
Dim Sung all day! That is my kind of Dim Sum
These beef short ribs ended up being part of our dinner
Leslie's gardening is really taking off
It has been 65 days since we began our Migration.