Saturday, July 8, 2023

7 July 2023 Sunderland: Gin and Din


We had a full day planned.  First we walked down to the "Show Off" hair salon for a cut and style for Leslie.  The styling was a bit poofy and she got to laughing so hard while the stylist was pumping in  height and volume into her hair.  Post styling we walked back a different route through Roker Park.  We saw Lynn our AirBnB host on the walk back and chatted with her for some time.  Lunch was consumed and we walked back to the metro station and rode it 10 stops to the Central Station in Newcastle.  We shared the train with the entirety of humanity.  Goth girls, mobs of prepubescent boys jostling each other, crossword junkies, multigenerational family units, farmers and two tourists, us.  The blue dots on google maps led us from gin joint to gin joint, one after another.  The first stop was just a block from the metro station and it was the Continental.  This old insurance building was luxurious and large.  Different levels of gin were available.  First was the regular gins available to just anybody but there were special gins in the downstairs Gin Vault under lock and key.  We were unable to break into the vault but we had two fine gins and received two souvenir swag guitar picks.  Just the gin bling the Gin Book needs.  The next spot was the Dacanter with another fine looking bar area. I ordered the Forrest Gin that was recommended and Lelsie found the Manchester Gon named Overboard.  The name was a warning because it was 57% super strength.  After this we stuck our heads into "Pleased to Meet You" but did not alight.  We flittered over to the WC Gin Closet for the best scene in town.  As we walked up we saw a couple leaving which is good because there would not be much room left if they had stayed.  There were 8 chairs in this bar but I am not sure eight people could fit in it.  It is the smallest Gin bar in the UK, and was previously a ladies restroom. Counting Lorenzo, the bartender, there were three people in the bar.  We got the best service from Lorenzo.  We talked travel and the peculiarities of planning ahead.  After our two new gins to add tot he Gin book it was time to go to dinner.  Lorenzo even kicked in a discount for us.  We walked a bit further and got to our dinner spot.  It was empty except for one other table.  It always feels silly when you say you have a reservation and the place is empty. The crazy thing is that within a half hour the place was full!  Great food and right next door tot the theater.

"Show Off" has a look

Pink Pony says "Gitty up!"

Hair style is "on trend"

Come fly with me 


A wonderful interlude of flowers

So many colors

Roker Lake in Roker Park

Our Metro station

Come on ride the trains...

New Castle

Hail Cesar 

He who passes these steps shall have a drink 

At first I thought it was the Dandy Rat.  The tail looked a bit rat like

A very good gin blueberry gin

Runner up gin, better luck next time

Ready to assemble the goods

Nice bar area that we are the exclusive customers there of

Top Shelf Gin

I tip my hat to you all

The door was open by there were still bars and a chain

All locked up

But nicely displayed on the inside


It is all done with mirrors

That was a good start

More nice buildings

Even Queen Victoria herself

The Dacanter also had charm

Gin on Special

Locked up Gin

From the cabinet with hints of ferret

Manchester Overboard  Turbo Driven!

Experimental Batch Gin was the runner up

Getting into ye olden part of town

Narrow streets

Even more narrow bars

The Gin Closet

This, is the whole bar!

From Door County Wisconsin


Very Botanical for Leslie

The entrance hall is as big as the bar area

Back out into the sun

Don't be cross and  hangry,  just eat some dinner

At St Sushi

Our Booth

The empty restaurant, for the time being


Enoki Mushrooms wrapped in beef slices

Fish roe for all

Old walled city remnants

Another classic 

Oddly constructed wall

Time for the show

It has been 1 year and 32 days since we began our Migration