Friday, January 31, 2025

30 January Da Nang: A 220 Foot Tall Lady


The tallest Buddha statue in Vietnam is the Lady Buddha and is the goddess of compassion.  She is as tall as a 30 story building and is made primarily of marble from the near by marble mountains.  She is quite impressive.  We chose not to climb the 17 flights of stairs to the top, we need to keep our knees in working order.  Inside the head of the statue is another 2 meter tall buddha.  Oddly, as we walked along the plaza, we noticed that the buddha was always looking at us.  She faces the sea to better protect the mariners. 

We are getting close

So very tall

She is looking at us now.  In her right hand is the nectar of life and a willow branch.  She sprinkles the nectar on the prayers of the people

Another happy buddha is much smaller and positioned in a pool of water 

The incense sticks are thick

This dragon is spitting fire

Da Nang off in the distance

More little guys and buildings on the rock in the pond

The reflection of the lady

A pagoda

A delightful reflection

We are on monkey mountain 

This little guy is all fancy

Another monkey

Warnings about the monkeys, "Don't come close I bite"

Warnings ignored by the parents of these little kids

Getting closer to the big lady

Inside folks were praying

Three golden buddhas

Here we are right under the lady

This gal is quite certain that the picture should  taken from be here

Nice outfit

A beautiful flower

Heading out past a few more temples

Another giant gate

A very long tongue

With a blue lion in the back

Decorated planters for the trees

Little pagoda, big pagoda

Time for a jam session

Wooden and stone buddhas with great flowers

A golden one nestled in the flowers

The lilies are so beautiful

Another odd item

All the boats were flying a Vietnamese flag

A large temple on the way back from the buddha

A much smaller pagoda

An impressive gate

 It has been 2 years and 239 days since we began our Migration

30 January 2025 Da Nang: The 9 Level Pagoda and Temples at Chua Linh Ung


We headed out to the giant buddha to explore.  First was a nine tiered pagoda.  Then we visited  a multitude of temples and saw at least one thousand buddha's of all sizes and shapes.  If we tried to count them all we would still be there as the statues were simply everywhere: big, little, huge, fat, skinny, seated, reclining, riding various animals, wooden, stone, gold plated, ceramic and every other possible form imaginable.  The  weather was delightful and folks were all here decked out in their Vietnamese finest.

The fishing boats all moored up after a busy morning of fishing

The biggest buddha in the distance

The busy and a bit hectic

We have gained a good deal of altitude


I count nine levels

Two rows of buddhas line the entrance

The gate

A dragon and buff warrior at each side of the stairs

Don't mess with either of these tough Hombres 

The gate leads to a large reclining buddha

Napping Buddha?

Inside the pagoda are very tall wooden figures

A serene seated buddha

Bass relief depictions

A happy buddha

Another warrior

This tree grew around a large vase

Looking back at the reclining buddha, the gate and the pagoda

Pretty impressive

Some very whiskery dragons and a painted wall to the right

The little ones are all tickling the big guy

Looking back at Da Nang

A whole lot of little ones


In the roots of the cloud trees were little temples and figurines

Not yet

A lion in the cloud trees


Get your souvenirs 

So many beads to choose from

Moving on to some of the temples

We should have been counting buddha statues

Our first look into the temples

Lots of lanterns

This is the same symbol that was on the foot of the reclining buddha

The Buddha of a thousand hands and a thousand eyes

20 different life sized statues 

Riding the tiger!

I like the blue sky behind the statue

A place for offerings?

All the the shrines have beautiful floral arrangements

A very nice decoration on this bell

The plants need to eb maintained

In the zodiac garden a snake!

Both Leslie and I are Year of the Ox kids

A playful Ox he is

It looks like this dragon has something caught in his teeth, is it part of a sausage?

the snake is found everywhere, it is it's year indeed

Year of the monkey

The Temples are very ornate

Buddha on a turtle

Buddha on a Dragon

On a Lion


Riding a tiny elephant

Riding a huge goat

The Buddhas all lead up to this temple

Dragon columns

Dragons on the cornices

It is quite sprawling

Gold and in a power pose

This temple has the most gold

Rubbing the Buddha belly

He must like the belly rubs

A sweet cloud tree

A covered walk

Happy New Year to All

A woven tree

the branches woven into an basket shape

Flowers everywhere

Random animals and dragons lurking in the undergrowth

A boat planter and a whirligig walkway in the background

Taking a ride

Buddha in the water

Buddha in the shade

Lions on guard

 It has been 2 years and 239 days since we began our Migration