Thursday, January 23, 2025

17 January 2025 New Caledonia: Amedee Island by Boat


We always like to get out on the water at every location that we visit.  Noumea is no exception so we booked a trip to Amedee Island for a full day of fun.  There was the boat trip, 45 minutes each way through the tropical lagoon, a snorkeling, the 1800's lighthouse, the smallest post office in the world, lots of birds, a glass bottom boat with green turtle sightings, sea snake sightings, a traditional dance demonstration and relaxing waterfront time in the beach chairs.  What a fun day!

A life vest demonstration and dance off

Putt-putting through the crowded marina

Making our way to open water

Hitting the gas

Looking back at our stay on the 13th floor

Save us all Mary D 7 lifesaver

The mountains of New Caledonia

A channel marker

Birds dive bombing for fish

A wedge tailed shearwater Lifebird #1

Approaching our destination

Passing the docked glass bottom boat

Here we go!

An iron lighthouse

Erected in 1862 under the reign of Napoleon III

That makes it over 160 years old!

Still standing tall

We explored all the trails on this tiny island

Our waterfront seating

A lighthouse picture frame to frame the lighthouse picture

A private boat bringing visitors

So many terns

A face in the palm

A thorny issue

the worlds smallest post office

Place mail in slot and move to the left

Sea snake trails in the sand

Fish on the rocks

And in between the rocks

A military aircraft

A rope fence in the water?  Not sure why it is here

Lovely colors of the water

A very decent lunch

A tropical dance demonstration

It is group effort

One of the crew "volunteered"

He needs lots of practice...

Some yachts have joined us

Folks out on the glass bottom boat

On turn at the glass bottom boat

Our turtle spotter / English speaking guide

Where are the turtles?

Here is a big one!

A smaller one

One at the surface

Up and down quickly

Here is the whole turtle 

We went out further than expected

Another turtle

Stopped for some fish feeding

Big fish

The gulls got more of the fish food than the fish did

A buff banded rail

A wandering tattler

A bridled tern Life Bird #2

Very handsome bird with forked tail

Dark Brown Honeyeater Lifebird #3

Lots of terns bunched up on the shore

A ruddy turnstone

Only six of the bridled compared to 100's of black napped terns

Everywhere on the island is a great view of the lighthouse

Common terns and Black napped terns

An Osprey

Sea Snake!

The tail is flat and wide to facilitate swimming through the water

Leaving a sinuous trail

Blending in with the snake sticks

Filled with deadly poison

Loving on Leslie

Ola Senior!

A shipwreck

Round metallic rusty items

Fancy stonework


A rug on a large circular stone artifact

The iconic sigh post

Military helicopter

A reboarding scerenade

A sand spit of an island

See you Amedee


Navy vessels

Back in the marina

So many masts

 It has been 2 years and 224 days since we began our Migration