Monday, January 27, 2025

24 January 2025 Ho Chi Minh: A Dinner at ST25 by KOTO


KOTO is a social enterprise founded by Vietnamese-Australian community leader Jimmy Pham AM.  It stands for Know One Teach One which is the motto of the training program that had transformed the lives of 1700 Vietnamese at-risk youths.  It is a 24 month free of charge program, but it is not just a vocational training program.  It includes a dynamic food rescue model that combats food wastage and initiatives for women's economic empowerment championing gender equality and women's hospitality leadership.  Once we learned about this, we decided that we were going to eat there.  The staff was comprised entirely by KOTO graduates.  The food was fantastic and our server, Vu Quang Anh, was such a friendly guy.  We already have him in our WhatsApp in case we see him again out in the world.

These art pieces were from the menu

Nice work even it it was created by AI

ST25 is a type of rice grown in Vietnam

Our server, Vu, pointed out that harvesting never takes place when there is water in the paddies

ST25 was named best rice of the year in 2019

Some very happy workers!

Vu would jot down notes to us so we could remember the information he was giving to us

Dimples everywhere

He has our card!

 It has been 2 years and 233 days since we began our Migration