Thursday, January 30, 2025

29 January 2025 Da Nang: Cham Museum of Sculpture


The Cham people were a prosperous population who lived in this region of Vietnam.  The Champa Kingdom existed from the 2nd century to 1832 and extended along most of the coast of centra and southern Vietnam.  They were a seafaring nation with many lucrative trading routes.  The kingdom was more of a federation of independent city states with a shared language and customs.  they resisted Chinese incursions and were stable enough to build several large and expansive temple complexes.  Most of the artifacts in the museum were from the 10th to the 12th centuries.  We heard at least four different languages spoken in the museum, Italian, French, English and Vietnamese.  A very fun and informative museum.

Our driver had this cute wombat on his dash

It is good that these balloons were filled with helium or the load would be too heavy

A Cham temple was close by and they had artifacts from the excavation in the museum

A goofy looking monster

More scary beasts

An artists rendition of how the temple must have looked

Elephants, deer and lions

Much of the earlier items were Indian influenced

Lakshmi the goddess of Wealth, Fortune and Prosperity

One block of 16 that supported a large platform known as the Dancing platform

So many small figurines on the base 

The pedestal 

The proverbial sacred cow

Limber and warmed up

This museum is showing its 106 years

Visnu with 13 snake heads, so many snakes!  It is good to see now since it is the year of the snake

Look Ma, no hands!

In the room where all the items were labeled "National Treasures" Here we find the elephant god Ganesh 

Multi tasking is not a problem

Another National Treasure 

Ganesh is the remover of obstacles 

Historic photos of the excavations

Another decorated pedestal 

Stand behind the elephant!

The story was told how the legs of the large buddha in the back were found in a different area than the main body.  Too make matters worse they found two heads and had to decide which one was a better fit.  This head is just a reproduction of the one that is now in Hanoi

Holding up the sky with all those arms

This deity must weigh a ton

He has squashed this creature he is standing on

A rare bronze

This is a depiction of a bodhisattva 

It was from the Dong Duong area

A prominent third eye

Layers on layers

Have baguette will pose

A nice set of painted panels

A traditional motif  

Woven fish traps

A rice mill

The written script of the Cham started with Sanskrit from India but grew into a distinct kind of writing as new Arabic and Islamic influences replaced the Indian 

Some traditional clothing

Original musical instruments

The turtle shell guitar

This is a very fine hat

Architectural flourish 

How the museum looked in 1919

This elaborate loom is not enough to keep the guard awake

Some of the temples were made of brick

With stone highlights and flourishes 

A smart way to support the arms

Ready to do the chicken dance

Lotus plants

A strobe light sculpture

We got the wheel!

A very elegant elephant

Expressive monkey

These ietms were from the 8th to the 12th century

So much detail

Fantastic stone work

These are the best in the museum

A happy elephant

Missing its ears

Not looking good for the snake

A dragon

Elvis has left the building

There were many great pieces in this gallery

The store room

Also packed with pieces

A face but also a bird with wings

Happy monkey

An ols pile of bricks

The last piece before we are done

A huge Ficus tree is a good place to eat some ice cream

 It has been 2 years and 236 days since we began our Migration