Friday, January 17, 2025

14 January 2025 New Caledonia: Walking Along the Promenade and the Sunset

We got another couple of walks in along the water and before we started cooking dinner one of the most spectacular sunsets we have seen in quite some time unfolded in front of our eyes.  

A small rocky outcrop popular with the birds

Another nautical disaster gets memorialized 

This tree must be very tough and old 

Seeing the protected swimming area from a different angle

Low tide exposes the protective hoops that make up the barrier

This dove is hailing a cab

What might this be?

There is a gate

Actually it is more like a grate.  Behind here was the output of a huge lime kiln from the 1800's

A wandering Tattler, my first New Caledonian lifebird

Approaching sailboard


Too close, or so it seemed from the 13th floor

Lots of white exteriors

What might this smoke be?

Gearing up for a show


A cloud dragon shooting fire?

First gear

Second gear

Entertainment for when you are on a sailboat for extended times

The clutch is in and ready to shift again

Third gear!

Interesting notches in the cloud

So colorful

The last bit of the sun is down

But some wispy clouds are lit up very bright

An alligator cloud facing right

Fourth gear

Coming down off of the peak

Still pretty

And goodnight to all!

The last boat of the night zooming by

 It has been 2 years and 222 days since we began our Migration