When we were in Portugal in 2023 we received a cryptic message from Tim Radtke, a Hermann High School friend of mine. He said that we should be "look out" for his friend Alice, who lives in Lisbon. It was not clear if we should seek her out or we should should "look out" and not get accosted by her. After a bit of back and forth with Tim, we determined that she is a delightful expatriate with many shared traits and behaviors. First off she is an avid traveler and a raconteur with a story for every event. Second she in smart, articulate and seeks out adventures. We agreed to meet her in Lisbon at a roof top bar as the full moon was rising. We had a great time and have kept in touch ever since. She saw that we were going to be in De Nang while she was going to be here. As soon as we were relatively settled, we invited her over for lunch. It was nothing fancy just chicken salad, fruit salad and some tomatoes with mozzarella cheese. She is considering adopting our nomadic way of life and so we gave her some pointers. We also gifted her a set of binoculars that had never used and we had been carrying too long. We sat and talked for four hours and were still gabbing on the way to the elevator. After she left we headed out for a walk. We did not get far a it was very windy and with the temperature in the low 60's made it uncomfortable.
It turns out that "Charlie" does surf
Our egg order has been delivered
Who is that walking to meet us?
It is Alice
Reunited after 18 months
A ceremonial gift exchange
Still no swimming
Shining bright in the distance
What do they put into those drinks?
I am seeing stars. Actually the bridge out at the mouth of the river is a faint blue line at the top edge of the lights
It has been 2 years and 236 days since we began our Migration