Saturday, January 18, 2025

15 January 2025 New Caledonia: The Morning Market


We made it to the morning market down by the docks.  There was a food area and a souvenir area.  The food was mostly veggies and fruit with a separate area for cooked items.  We picked up some tomatoes, cucumbers, a mango and some mushrooms.  We had already stocked up at the HyperMart just a day
 or so earlier so we did not need much.  The souvenirs were mostly clothing, sarongs, summer dresses and hats, but we did find some exquisite shell jewelry.  We picked up a few pieces that were distinctly New Caledonian.  Then back to the house to drop off the foodstuffs

So many sarongs

As far as the eye can see

Yes, some fruit please

Green, yellow and brown bananas are available

Not sure that this was.  At first it looked like and aloe

Our stop to buy shiny things

Local artesian guild approved

These colorful cones are actually rolled up purses

The marina is chock full of boats

Mary D Princess, but only if you are a prince

Our boat is the Mary D 7, which is out cruising today

The dock where we will leave from on Friday

A military ship

Keeping an eye out for trouble

 It has been 2 years and 222 days since we began our Migration