Tuesday, October 25, 2022

25 October 2022 Darwin Australia: Waking Up Is For the Birds


A duck in a bucket!  We have seen beer served in a bucket before, but this duck is a first.  We are now officially "birders".  We have an Australian Bird Guide book to go with the Birds of Botswana book that we already have.  Unlike  real birders (those without the quotes) we are only counting the birds that we have been able to photograph.  Mostly that is due to fact that many of these birds look very similar to two or three other species.  It is only with a photograph that the fine differences can be identified.  So here are the birds that make it to our "Life List" today.

The Masked Lapwing

Two Little Corella on the wing

A Little Corella on the top of a mast

Hmmm could be any of five similar birds

But the eye indicates that it is an Australian Fig Bird

A Magpie Lark Female 

These Radjah Shelducks were keeping us laughing

A blue Faced Honey Eater

White-breasted Wood Swallows were very fast

I was lucky to catch them in motion

Noisy and flocking together...

beautiful in flight

The Red-collared Lorikeet

A lorikeet and honey-eater in the same tree

These seeds must be tasty

Magpie Geese

The white birds are Torresian Imperial-Pigeon

This tree top was a popular spot

It has been 142 days since we began our Migration