Wednesday, January 11, 2023

11 January 2023 Auckland: Tropical Cyclone Hale


Tropical Cyclone Hale arrived in the late hours of the evening.  It was uninvited, but it landed directly on top of us!   It was mild compared to the crazy storms we lived through back in Florida, but we think it was responsible for a couple of cruise ships staying longer in port.  We took this day to pack and get some other things done before we jump on the train in the morning.  It is an early start so we wanted to have everything done.  It was lunch at the food court, a hair cut at the Queens Arcade, some shopping for travel food and a round of cleaning.  Off we go !

Enough already of the tropical systems!

Sushi for lunch!

Hamburger for me...been thinking about a burger for a while

An art gallery

Chocolaty with a hint of slime

Great octopus sculpture in the Queens Arcade

We hope to see some sperm whales off of the coast of the South Island

Chocolate shoes

A nice shopping area in a historic old building

A shearing for Miss Leslie

An old time record shop with vinyl and everything

It has been 220 days since we began our migration