Saturday, January 14, 2023

14 January 2023 Part 1: Otorohanga to National Park: Finally the Great Northern Explorer Train


At last we were able to get on the train!  It must have been three years ago that we watched the PBS show Great Scenic Rail Journeys when they did two episodes on the New Zealand Trains.  It made a big impression on us.  So as we were planning our trip we booked this train.  Cyclones may delay our trip but it nothing will stop us.  Ben took us to the train station and it was not surprising that the station was not manned.  Ben told us not to worry and Bill would soon arrive.  He was described as the ambassador of Otorohanga, so when a finely dressed gentleman in his 80s showed up with a shirt that had "Otorohanga Ambassador" stitched into it, I knew he was our man.  While we waited for the train Bill told us stories of his life and of the town.  He was the only person to ride down the middle of Otorohanga in a boa, (during a flood, in a wheel barrel, while the train station was being refurbished and in a taxi, he drove on the 50 plus years.   We tagged out luggage boarded the train and were given our seat assignments.  These seats were not acceptable as we were both on the isle and I had to sit backward to the direction of travel.  We quickly got these fixed and the trip was fun.  Lots of mountain peaks and river valleys.  Just a few small towns along the way to see.  Sheep were in abundance as well as cattle.  There were only two tunnels and as we approached Tongariro National Park we went through the famous Raurimu spiral.  This is a series of circular turns that allows the train to pass over its pervious track and gain the altitude needed to get to the volcanic uplands

Our Train station in Otorohanga was much nicer than the one in Auckland

Kiwi town

It is Bill!


Birds, these are Australian Swamphens

Our train was only five or six cars long


Lush green feilds

Long vistas

One waterfall 

The hills got bigger as out river valley got narrower

Some timber was still standing

These deer were surprised to see the train

We went through the tunnel and came out into a bigger river valley

Our train car

One tiny house

The highlands int he distance

Replanting after clear cutting the timber

Limestone formations

More forest as we got closer to the park

Rocks mixed with sheep on the summit

Lots of sheep 

We crossed over the rivers many times

A basket for crossing the river

The only town of any size that we passed through

We stopped at the station and they had commemorative plaques

From way back in time

The narration told us about a classic New Zealand song "Taumarunui; On the Main Trunk Line"

This last river got progressively bigger as we followed its path

Steep banks

The cliffs were white but I suspect they were volcanic in origin

A cool flowing river

The valley is spreading out

The mountains are in sight

A big swamp harrier was flying next to the train

Rocky river

Cotton field

A road ran along the tracks

The Engineer

Starting to gain altirude

Kiwi Rail

Bee hives alogn the spiral

We came out of this tunnel and will be traveling over it

Almost to the top

Top of the spiral

The mountains !

In the shuttle bus

Our destination

It has  been 223 days since we began our Migration