Sunday, January 22, 2023

21 January 2023 Wellington to Picton: The Interislander Ferry

The inter-islander ferry was a big deal big boat.  There were a hundred cars and a dozen or so semi tractor trailers onboard.  This was the majority of the passengers as the walk on folks were less plentiful.  We were the first to board so we had our choice of seats.  The other walk on passengers filled in here and there but it was not crowded at all.  That is until the folks from the cars arrived and then every seat was taken!  We had our window to look out of and we could watch the land. We masked up to defend ourselves from the sick small children.  The ride was 3.5 hours and smooth for the majority of the trip.  There was some rocking and swaying when we left Wellington bay and entered the current that flows through the straight.  We wore our scopolamine patches as a sea sickness precaution.  It was not needed on this day but the large amounts of seasickness bags all around the ferry was a good indicator that some days the crossing is much more intense.  There were some cool seabirds that I was lucky in getting a few good pictures of.  We saw a single seal in the straights closer to Picton.  The wind off of the water was cold and nothing to play around with.  I wore my jacket every time I went outside and the folks who were in shorts and short sleeve shirts did not last long in the outside air.  We arrived in Picton and got our bags quickly.  No Uber or cabs were at the terminal and the two car services I called were unavailable.  So we rolled them bags to the Hotel

A new bird, the New Zealand Great Shag

Nice birdsong

Sitting around waiting for the boarding

Our ferry to the South Island

Smelly cattle cars

The gangway

A long line of cars waiting to onload

Off in the distance we saw some folks digging for shjellfish

Folks were happy to be outside on this nice day

Snaking our way through the ferry

The last busy part of Wellington

Our ferry to Day's Island seemed tiny

Maybe the sailboats were tiny or the hill is very tall

A regatta in Wellington Harbor

The southern tip of the North Island

The rocks stick up higher than the lighthouse

Navigation hazard averted!

A huge earthen works but for unknown reasons, is it a road?

This looks like a road for sure

The lonely leaning lighthouse

This southern coast of the northern Island seemed desolate but there are roads

If you look closely, there is a car here.

In the straight, the water would shoot out from the side of the ship

And keep on shooting out

The big boil of water

Shearwaters diving for fish

We have sighted the South Island

Fairy Prion

I did not even know that a Prion was a type of bird

Getting close to the South island

There is a long trip through a series of archipelagos 


Some hills were forested and some were not

Some contraption on a hill

Lots of tiny inlets with houses and boats

Wow how some good looking water

Some wild road building

A tug boat is attached to the fish farm so they may be movable

The life boats were not needed

All the blues!

Another ferry boat passes us going the other way

Lobster pots?

A very narrow passage

An extensive fish farm

A seal that would peek his head up out of the water

Mysterious bouys

A race between this boat ands the jet ski

All sweet on the ferry

The passageway has opened up

Hello Picton

A cool town and harbor

There is the ferry!

It has been 230 days since we began out Migration