Friday, January 20, 2023

20 January 2023 Wellington: Te Papa Museum

The Museum of New Zealand, also known as the Te Papa Museum, was a huge deal.  Huge in many ways. First, it is physically large with six floors of gallery space and an outdoor area as well.  Second, it covers so many aspects of New Zealand: European art, Māori artifacts, the Pacific Islander explorations, contemporary Māori art, and New Zealand natural history both geological and zoological.  To say we were overwhelmed would be an understatement.  We are heading to the South Island tomorrow or we would return to see what we may have missed.

We heard a weird noise and it was a cicada! 

The dryer was broken so we had to hang out our laundry.  Leslie's dress got blown off the line and onto the roof!

This fish was unfazed

Street are on the way to the museum

More street art

"We were down in Joe's Garage"...Frank Zappa

The museum is huge

Lots of iron art: Tt ain't heavy, it's Aur man!

Don't drop one of these on your toe

At the front of the museum

Front door

This giant gate is 15 or 20 feet tall

The shadow thrown by a huge piece of art

Woven nylon webbing

100 warriors could ride in this canoe

A giant anchor stone supposedly from one of the first ocean going canoes to reach New Zealand

The canoes were lashed together with various techniques like the one above

and this technique too

They get the rope badge

The second binding is used to hold this boat together

An ocean going canoe like this was built in 1965 and used to sail all the way to Hawaii and then on to Easter Island

An Easter Island Moai

So many intricate and beautiful pieces

The magic flute player

An incredible meeting house

Some serious weapons

Be afraid, be very afraid

Solomon Islander mask

Beautiful and deadly

Such fine detail on a war club

Each hook was made for different types of fish

Phar Lap was one of the winningest horses in the late 20's and early 30's

New Zealand's greatest race horse and an international star.  he won 37 of 51 races in four years of racing.  He was shot at in 1929 and eventually died from arsenic poisoning in 1932

An eerie child

I like the greenstone toki worn as a pendant

A painting commemorating a Māori reprisal in which an English ship accidently exploded

A 8 foot wide painting was very nice

So many different styles were on display

From landscapes to abstracts

We skipped this diispaly nice!

I agree

Wooded New Zealand

Deforested New Zealand

Even more hooks

That tis a big heart!

There were several rocks on display with descriptions of the type of rock and the place from where itis found

Moa moa, where did you go-a?

Many different types of Kiwis

Swooping in!

The extinct Moa which could grow to 9 feet tall

A carved rock

A huge entrance way

The entire building is on shock absorbers to mediate earthquake damage

More building sized art


A fun shot of this glass building

Through the art seek the golden hippo

Hot Sauce Hot

How did we miss this place, we walked past it a few times and just now noticed it

It sure looks pretty

On the top of the hill our place is on

It has been 229 days since we began our Migration