We woke up to rain. It remained overcast and blustery all day so we took this opportunity to finalize our travels in October, November and December 2023. Istanbul, Cyprus, Israel and Jordon are now worked out and as soon as flights become available we will book them. By late afternoon it cleared up enough for us to take a walk to the south. It was nice and we saw some weird rock formations. The tectonic pressures have folded the limestone which eroded into some surreal shapes. We saw many lovely flower gardens. We also saw some cool birds like the South Island Oystercatcher above.
This gull has spent hours on this rock
A European starling
Horses way up on the bluffs
Some jagged rock
Weirdly shaped limestone
The fanciest of lodgings
Great shage
The South Island Oysercatcher
Spikes of limestone
A heron in flight
The white faced Heron
More limestone
It almost looks like bones
A house for the mail
All the branches are bent by the wind
A large flowering plant
A burst of color
It is not moving but it looks like it could crawl away