Saturday, August 12, 2023

11 August 2023 Glasgow: Riding the Train and Getting into the AirBnB


We took the 11 AM train to Glasgow.  The countryside that we saw from the train was delightful and the ride was only 45 minutes.  Our host, David, met is right as we got to the place and he was a delight.  We would have gotten there earlier but we were gabbing with the taxi driver.  He had been to all the palces he have on this trip except Canada.  We talked David's ear off about ourselves and our travels but he was on his lunch break and he had to return.  David was such a good host that he returned around 3PM to help us get connect to the wireless.  He had two letters of the password switched on the AirBnB webpage and I was not able to figure it out.  We got settled in and went to the store for supplies.  We got the standard whole chicken and roasted it for dinner.  But first we took a walk along the River Clyde.  As we walked toward the town center dark clouds were building behind us. Once Leslie looked back and saw the building storm we decided that we should head back.  We got back to the apartment just before the skies opened up in a Florida worthy downburst.  Dinner, and darkness soon followed and we called it a night.

Waiting for our train in Edinburgh

A grand old  train Station

Nice Scottish Country

A flower train

The Glasgow train station

David and Leslie on the balcony

They know we are here!

A great spread two bedrooms, two baths and one large inoperative clock

A modern bridge with two way traffic on both sides

The World Bike Racing Championships are here in Glasgow

Big Licks indeed

The balcony floor is porous.  It is a good thing with all the rain they get 

A long way down

Four lanes from right to left, first is on coming traffic, second is traffic away from this view, third is on coming traffic and fourth is traffic going away

They call this building the Armadillo

We are on the 11th of the 12 floors

Bridge details

The Ferry gate.  The Ferry is a floating music venue

Some modern buildings amongst the older building blocks

Blue skies for now...

A hint of dark clouds to the right of the pointy arches of the pedestrian bridge

A car bridge and a rail bridge

Cows in stone on the top of the building

Here comes the rain

Great pedestrian bridge view from the way back

A black headed gull

Yes it is raining

Raining very hard

But after a while it cleared up

Some fine riverside brick buildings

One of the bike race support vehicles

Cozy and planning tomorrow 

Lots of lights out at night

It has been 1 year and 67 days since we began our Migration