Thursday, August 31, 2023

30 August 2023 York: The York Art Gallery


Out trip to the York Art Gallery was a fantastic time.  There was a special event called Bloom.  Bloom had a couple of themes: floral themed art works and themes that deal with identity with regard to flowers. We also enjoyed the commentary with regard to featured LGBTQ artists and how many of these artists had been sidelined by the establishment. Continuing on the the every day exhibits we were amazed at the extent of the ceramic pieces.  This Art Museum has over 6000 ceramic pieces and it was wide ranging.  There were many pieces from British artists and the rest were from all over the world.  We especially liked the activities provided for the little kids, keep the little ones busy.  

This was Leslie in an alternative universe

A very cool multimedia piece with a broken ceramic bowl and some dead birds and dead flowers

Great piece that was huge

Another piece dealing with mortality

A woman as a wedding cake

Ceramic dude

Cawww cawww

A huge ceramic swan

This is the ceiling with huge panels letting in copious amount of light

Let the odd pieces of ceramic begin: new kind of horse

A sad dog

How could this have been created?

This dog is a bit happier



Such amazing command of the light

El gato!

Blow fish

Androgenous to the extreme

This head was five feet tall

Playing on a screen in the gallery, this performance piece was enthralling and was one of the first captured in film in the UK

These women wore high heels with horse hooves on the front, long tails and aprons and they pranced around like horses

This portrait of the Queen had three views that would follow you as you walked past

A Warhol classic

Who you looking at?

It has been 1 year and 86 days since we began our Migration