Wednesday, August 9, 2023

8 August 2023 Edinburgh: Train to Scotland and an Extended Walkabout in Town


The train ride was 1.5 hours from Newcastle after a half hour ride on the metro to get to Newcastle.  There was lots to see from the train as we rode along the North Sea. It was a quick ride and we were in Edinburgh before we knew it.  A quick taxi ride to the apartment where we dropped off our luggage and a quick bit to eat left us a few hours to wander about the old town.  We poked into shops along the way and saw the many advertisements for Fringe events.  Crowds of people were lined up at the Harry Potter shop.  We saw walking tours, bus tours, bike tours and one dancing tour!

Newcastle Train Station

Sage Gateshead concert venue in Newcastle

Idyllic villages by the sea


Holy Island has a castle on it and not much else

The surf is up

Beautiful seaside views

Almost at the border between England and Scotland

The Royal Border Bridge in Tweedmouth

The Tweed River needs bridges

The rugged coastline of Scotland

Big houses

Lonely Lighthouses

One gigantic trash dump.  Look close at all the birds flying above the heap

Classic old churches

We have arrived at the Edinburgh Station

What an impressive array of hanging baskets

Got here too early to check in so we had a quick bite

Are they selling glasses?

A piper serenaded us while we ate

Up Bow street a bit from pour place

It is just a wee pub, the smallest in Scotland

Which Shortbread container is the curest?

A very cool loom

Flower-punzle, flower-punzle let down your blooms

Who got kilt?

The Edinburgh castle and the bleachers for the Military Tattoo to the right 

The Royal Military Tattoo is is a big deal in these parts

Don't complain about your drinks...

Raise the bar higher and there will be no kicking

Another set of fine hanging baskets

OK, which is more odd, the shirtless man or the florescent hair?

Sturdy building

An elevated walkway along an elevated street


We stopped here 7 years ago and had haggis for lunch

This little dog was so loyal that he is commemorated in bronze

Faithful is an understatement

Attack of the Monster

He has me in a headlock

"Let there be light" is etched above the library door

A fine gate just outside

Edinburgh is packed thick with delightful old buildings

David Hume the philosopher has a new hat

The Royal mile.  It is a miracle how many folks can fit here

The street is filled with pedestrians except for giant busses that seem to want to go fast

Looming large

Another piper

Crochet the dog

The dancing tour of the city

The leader of the band

Oi, its Oink 

A bike tour of the city

Painted facades

This ends this section of the tour

Join us again for the Royal Tattoo section of today's activities

It has been 1 year and 64 days since we began our Migration