Friday, June 14, 2024

13 June 2024 Copenhagen: A Floating Quartet


Today's destination was the Absalon String Quartet at Ofelia Plads.  This is a string quartet at a performance area just across the water from the Opera House.  Most unique to this space is that the performers are transferred via boat to a floating barge.  The barge was covered, a good thing as it was raining on and off all day.  They also have a scuba diver that gets into the water and hooks up the electricity to the barge.  We took the ferry up to Ofelia and got there just in time for a downpour.  There was still an hour before the performance was to start so we took refuge under the awning of a pop-up bar.  We had a great conversation about gin, traveling, Denmark and Croatia.  At one point the manager comped us two Gin and Tonics!  It was like a unannounced BOGO!  As the performance was soon to start we sat in the outdoor furniture that the bar had set up.  Earlier, I had turned the back cushions over so that the seats stayed dry during the rains and as such we had a dry spot to sit on.  The music was classical and very relaxing.  We headed back to the ferry terminal slightly before they stopped so we could catch the ferry.  They run every 30 minutes so we took an earlier one.  We stopped in at the bar at the end of our ferry ride.

The general trash for the building goes into a trash chute inside the building and then the truck comes and sucks it all up through this port across the street

A book and plant exchange 

Banana hair food?

We took the ferry op and then it was a short walk to Ofelia

The stage was pulled up t the shore so that it could be set up ad a sound check was performed

Ducking under the awning to get out of the rain gave us an opportunity to meet these lovely ladies.  We got a free GnT out of the process!

Another band of rain

The barge has been floated out to its proper location

Nice buildings around us

The sun pops out now and then to show us this large sailing ship

The Danes are serious about the pre-concert talk

We have a decent audience

Some food trucks are here along with the bar truck

Out to sea they go

The small boat that delivers things to the barge

Now here comes the band

Lighting and microphones and everything!

The rain starts again, the umbrellas come back out but  the band plays on

Good thing there was lighting as the clouds made it gloomy

A good crowd

A fine wooden boat for hire

Low down for getting under the bridges


Threading the needle between all the power boats

Stopped into this restaurant to a) use the bathroom b) get out of the rain 

c) to try a few new gins!

It has been 2 years and 8 days since we began our Migration