Sunday, June 16, 2024

16 June 2024 Copenhagen: Frederiksborg Gardens and the Labyrinth


Another fine sunny day, off to Frederiksborg Gardens we go.  After a straight shot on the 7A bus, a large wooded park awaited us.  There were many water birds in and amongst the lakes in the park.  Many strolling and picnicking families and quite a few dogs too.  We "megandered" for quite a while, stopping at benches along the way.  The park butts up against the zoo so we could watch the elephants for a bit.  It terminates by a small but entertaining labyrinth.  

A spotter French bulldog

What was going on inside this tent?

Big gates

A gentile gentlemen

Heron today

Two more

A offering tree?

A coot on the nest

Goose ramps

Greylag geese and their chicks

A very large lawn

Row boats for hire

Mute swan napping

Very wooded

Coot feet

A building peeking out from the trees

Sitting n a bench by a pond

Hooded crows say howdy

The magpie is a beautiful bird

Crows on the go


Spring in a grotto

Mamma coot

Almost hideous 

More open lawn with geese

A castle, of course

Very ornate sign posts

Going to the birds

Nice color bricks

Another garden on the way to the Labyrinth 


Past the castle is the Zoo 

The start of the labyrinth is made of short hedges

The center is an open space

Wandering at its finest

The hedges get taller towards the back

They have their own manhole covers

An old church


The track we took

It has been 2 years and 11 days since we began our Migration