Monday, June 3, 2024

2 June 2024 Copenhagen: A 14 hour Flight Over the North Pole


We flew SAS from Tokyo directly to Copenhagen.  It was a 14 hour flight which makes it our third longest flight to date.  The flight path took us over the Aleutian Islands just west of Anchorage Alaska.  We saw the sea ice at the northern top of the planet.  Then we continued over the ice cap and over the North pole.  The flight crew made a very long announcement about the history of this flight path.  SAS was the first airline to blaze this trail and they were proud of that.  We then passed over the north eastern part of Greenland, over Norway and into Copenhagen.  The ice sheet over Greenland was amazing thing to behold.  So much to see.  Had this been a night flight we would have missed everything.

A funny paintjob on a plane seen from the very busy lounge

On the runway looking over to the Tokyo Skyline

Big bridge over Tokyo bay

there is no mistaking the Skytree

Goodbye Japan

Super city!

So many waterways

Leading into the heart of Tokyo

We have reached our cruising altitude

Cotton ball clouds

We are already three hours into the flight

Open water sea ice

This is the ice cap

Not solid at this point

But too icy to swim in!

We have crossed the international date line and approaching the northern coast of Alaska

Lots of rivers feeding into the sea

I wonder if the fresh water is freezing upon contact with the cold ocean?

Very rugged land

Snow filled valleys and frozen rivers

Leaving land for a while

A very interesting difference in the colors of the clouds

These look like clouds it could be ice.  Regardless there is ice below the clouds

On our way to the north pole

The belly camera on the plane has a cool rainbow like lens flare

The dotted lines changed from going to the left to going to the right once we passed the north pole

Ice cap time

Mostly solid ice with a few cracks

The ice sheet is in constant motion

Wind and currents push the ice 

It often fractures and sheets can ride up on top of each other

There are also islands up here, part of Canada

Canada's North west Territory, flying almost due north

We passed over the north pole and have turned south again over the eastern part of Greenland

It is a huge ice sheet on top of this island

The largest island in the world that is not a continent

The ice here can be as thick as 1.9 miles

7% of the worlds entire supply of fresh water is atop Greenland

It is such a treat to see this

Not your everyday occurrence


To orient the viewer to our location

More details appear off int he distance

Very deep fjord 

Pretty wide too

The question remains to be answered 

Arte these frozen fjords or glaciers?

The blue really showed up in contrast to all the white

This is probable a series of glaciers

Bring your mittens

I guess is that this is a fjord

To be able to see how steep these cliffs are from up in a plane makes you realize how large the scale is of this area

This looks like a fjord, a bit frozen now 

But this graphic would make one think that maybe these fjords open up in the summer

Back over the center of Greenland

Approaching Norway

Lots of lakes

Fjord Land


Green farmland

More houses

Approaching Copenhagen

Our place is close to the center of this picture

Lots of city to explore

It has been 1 year and 363 days since we began pour Migration