Saturday, June 8, 2024

7 June 2024 Copenhagen: Up to the Opera House and Onto the Ferry-bus


We hopped on a bus from the Tivoli and went north.  We stopped off at Christiania and then strolled from there to the Opera House.  There we were able to catch the 991 Ferry bus heading back down to the Islands Brygge area where we are staying.  The weather was nice with just the occasional strong wind.  We had our rain jackets to break the bite of the wind when it blew.  It was nice walking through some new areas and the large stone buildings up by the Opera House were nice.  The ride along the river was toasty smooth.  We shared the water with many different boats.  Once we landed the area by the dock was set up for a band and a party.  

Big painted trash trucks were blocking off an area

There was a memorial going on behind these trucks

Big wheel BBQ bike

The man is a King

Mop of a dog

Great colors

A bridge to Christiana

Anchored or remote control?

Poe, poe, poe your boat

A wall of roses

Delightful gate

Busy docks

Long rows of houses

A DJ and drinks

We have made it to the opera house

Grand scale of building

A fancy restaurant 

Curved glass walkways

Nice layout

The roof is gigantic

A navy ship

Off goes the 992 from the dock

Sailing in the canal

A large sailing ship

More domes!



A thatched roof

A small garden at the dock

A dog in the bike

Here comes the 991

The inside is toasty

A busy river today

A good day to be riverside


Walkways, bridges and docks 

Welcome Swallows

The Opera House is wearing a hat

Low down canal cruisers

Geodesic domes

The big red tug that could

Red iron on bridge

Rental boats

The wakes of many boats

One side of the river is all modern buildings

The other side is all traditional buildings

Sploosh go the engines

Draw bridge tower

The fanciest of all the turrets in town

Colorful couple

So modern!

Flags all around the perimeter


A crown. flags and gold balls!

Smaller rental boats

Sleek now bridge

Decorated face of a building

Copper roof toppers

Not too cold for a swim

Modern glass buildings as far as the eye can see

There is a brick!

Meanwhile across the river, who knows what is going on?

Maybe this guy does, he has an actual map

The two story windows on the to floor are something else 

Passing our place from the ferry

One way to offer outdoor seating

A band is setting up!

It has been 2 years and 2 days since we began our Migration