Friday, July 19, 2024

18 July 2024 Copenhagen: A Train Ride to Humlebaek and Back


To get to the Louisiana Art Museum we had to take a train.  The train we took was the RE train to Humlebaek.  This town is still considered to be in the Copenhagen metro area but was not in the zones that are passes are good for.   So we had to buy a ticket, that is after we found the right ticket kiosk.  It was a bit confusing as to which of the four tracks to go to and which train to board.  Once we found the right track and saw that the train was already there, we jumped on!  This only managed to get us yelled at by the staff.  We immediately jumped off.  The fact that there were no other passengers on the train should have been a giveaway.  We asked some locals and eventually got on the correct train.  It took is about a half hour to get up north and de-train.  I have included the pictures of the return trip to make the post complete.  I wish I had taken pictures of the line at the train ticket kiosk.  It was a long line of dissatisfied customers.   The patrons three folks ahead of us was blindingly slow, the people directly in front of us tried to get a ticket but couldn't and gave up.  We had to book a ticket for Copenhagen Central because our station was not offered.  People behind us were saying that the train was coming.  Then the train pulled up and the kiosk still had not spit out our tickets.  By the time the ticket was finished printing the train doors were closed and the train took off.  Luckily we had warm rhubarb pie to tide us over until the next train arrived.

A double decker train

Many quaint buildings along the tracks

Old station budlings now repurposed

This is an art gallery

Small towns 

Big fields

Official looking buildings

More farm land

This was a new art piece by Per Kirkbey

A bit of the Louisiana right at the train station

Our Station was big

The blackbirds were everywhere calling loudly

They were eating lunch

Building Egyptian pyramids

First everyone must go before we start our walk.  Maybe get some warm rhubarb pie

We are headed off to Louisiana

Rook to knights four

No end of flowers to walk past

Old thatched roof

Authentic old buildings

Over sized dandelion

A great gate on our walk

Fine fences

After the museum we returned to the station and off to Copenhagen

First we wait 15 minutes for the next train and we watch the swallows zoom about

and the other trains

Kids collecting cans for change

Now we are going

Seeing all the odd things

The old things

Probably an old station

Walkways parallel the tracks

Nice side of the building art

The S trains are all converging

Graffiti alcoves

A port building with the ship's exhaust showing behind  the building

More new development

White smoke stacks must be hard to see for flying things

It has been 2 years and 43 days since we began our Migration