Wednesday, July 10, 2024

9 July 2024 Copenhagen: Sophisticated Ladies Jam


We wanted to go to this concert because this is the only time that this group plays during the day.  As a bonus this is the only free concert that they have.  It was a smart choice as we really enjoyed the show.  The venue was funky.  There was a small space for the band on the sidewalk that extends along the canal.  Then there was a series of tables stretched out along the canal and a line of chairs set up across the street.  We had our own chairs so we set up right by the band.  We were only in the street a little bit.  As these places filled in, folks lined up along the canal behind the band and leaned on the cars across the street.  Sitting right next to the drummer was a delight for us as she used the sticks unlike any other drummer we had seen.  At one point she just used her hands on the drums and at another point she waded into the crowd and played the glasses, bottles and anything else she could reach.  The played two sets and each one was great.  We had time to spare before the next concert so we strolled through Christiana.  Every time we go there we see something different.

Two Ferries simultaneously only one is going our way

Herr Heron

Kayak water polo

Paddle to the ball and then pass to your teammates 

Wall of stone

Etched Glass windows

Sofie what do you have for us in your Kitchen?

Setting up the band

Day Drinking

The street remained open and folks lined up in these chairs

Large vehicles came through, this one had the most tricked out cycle ever

Very close to the cars going by

These boots are made for stomping

Nice canal side venue

these folks opened their window and yelled out encouragement to the band

Across the canal

A great drummer!

Tickling the ivories 

Leaning into it

the drummer came into the crown and started playing anything she could reach

An odd pointy iron object protruding into the waterway

The inside venue

Taking up a collection for the band

Too cool for school

Going over the set list before the second set begins

Old row boat coming in to tie up

We joined the day drinkers

Two ways to enjoy the music.  Left is sitting comfortably and right is reading the Fall of Capitalism and plotting world domination

Neon kids

Sawing the bass

Shaking the seed pods

Showing off his abs

Folks lines up along the canal behind the band

After the show it was street hot dog time

Four or five different kinds of dogs

We strolled through Christiana to waste some time

No Stash Here!

Look Ma, No Hands!

Run away, tire fire!

Felix the ccat

Hairy feet!

The ears are wrapped up

Christiana is an enigma.  Some parts are delightful and others look like this

It has been 2 years and 34 days since we began our Migration