Saturday, July 13, 2024

12 July 2024 Copenhagen: Another Trio of Jazz Performers ar Sofies Kitchen


Today the sun was out in force so the Jazz took a back seat to people watching.  Today's themes include types of bicycles, interesting outfits, shirtless boaters and street art.  First we headed to Christiana for a quick tour where we saw some net graffiti.   Then back to Sofi's Kitchen for a Jazz Trio.  This band was Daniel Franks Trio and of all the bands we have seen so far these guys were our least foavrite.  They did not seem to have their hearts in it.  They started late, had to conference between songs and took an early and extended break between sets.  Oh well, the people watching made up for all that.  We were on the canal again so we got to see all the boats going by.  We also got to see every form of bicycle ride on by as well as some sort of traveling sport team stream down the street with all their luggage.   

Funky Bunny

Look Ma, no hands!

Great metal sign

Being called four eyes would make anyone cry

Bottle Cap art!

Red ladies

This square used to be the site of Copenhagen's fish market

Fishwife's butts

They were here even in the winter

His kayak is in the background

The roses love this side of town

Storage area behind the front wheel

Two wheels in front for stability

Two front wheels mid storage

Carrying his guitar or cello on his back

Big box for your drunken freind

Covered to deal with the Copenhagen "summer"

A entire suitcase in the basket

Large box is empty

Large box filled

Smaller box with cover

Filled with kiddies

Shiny and new bike

Another people mover

It looks like a scaled down version of a boat

A huge ice bucket

Dancing Dan in the front of the party barge

Just the champagne glass still standing

Heads up!

Sofie has their own motorcycle

With a side car

A bit rusted but that is to be expected in Copenhagen

Hiding his beer

Not concerns about pattern clash

Even the tennis shoes are a wash of color

Old sailor man

The bass player arrives by bike

The drummer arrived by taxi

The day is so sunny

Is the drum secure?

Nope, it falls down and goes boom!

Chain smoking sax player

Folks sitting behind the band again

First the drums fall over and now the Sax needs maintenance.

It has been 2 years and 37 days since we began our Migration