Saturday, July 20, 2024

18 July 2024 Copenhagen: The Sculpture at the Louisiana Museum in Humlebaek


This modern art museum came highly recommended.  We now understand why, as the museum is very big and the collection is quite varied.  It winds along a ridgetop next to the coast.  The sculpture collection is quite extensive and there are works by artists not normally thought of when one thinks of sculptures; most notable are Max Ernst and Joan Miro.  Of course there are works by Alexander Calder, Henry Moore, Richard Serra, Roy Lichtenstein and many many more.  On this post the names of the artists and the name of the piece will be captions of the pictures.

Henry Moore's Reclining Figure

Jean Arp's Self Reflection

Alicja Kwade's Pars Pro Toto

Looking like planets

Henry Moore Figure #5

TeamLeip's Standing Figures by the Moores

Seagull is appreciating the work

A long set of stairs

Not Vital's House to Watch at Sunset

Ejler Bille's Ogle

Bryan Hunt's Daphne II

Max Ernst La Grande Tortue

Max Ernst Le Grande Genie

Max Ernst Le Grande Assistant

Jean Dubuffet Manior d'Essor

Svend Wig Hansen's Siddende Kvinde

Svend Wig Hansen's Stoende Kvinde

A series of works by Henry Heerup that were rescued from his allotment

Cesar's Thumb

Right by the cafeteria

Nancy Sinatra must have been thinking of these boots by Sarah Lucas

Au Naturel

Per Inge Bjorlo's Pressure After Pressure

Another artist moving from painting to sculpture Barbra Hepworth 

A bit scary, Germain Richier's Shepherd of the Landes

One of the Five Heads

Tal R's Pumpkinhead

Louise Bourgeois Spider Couple

Alberto Giacometti

Reflected within Dan Ghram's reflective piece

Nobou Sekine Phase of Nothingness Cone

Nobou Sekine Phase of Nothingness 

Henrie Laurens Grande Femme

Jean Arp's Concretion Humaine sur Coupe Ovale

It has been 2 years and 43 days since we began our Migration