I tried to make some birding contacts via Bird Pals but the two that responded did not pan out. So I switched gears and put up a post on the FB Brisbane Birds group and got multiple responses. Neal Maynard was one of the responders and he agreed to come and pick me up and travel to Mt. Glorious. He reminded me to bring my raingear which was a good thing as we saw almost continuous drizzle and rain while up top. Neal picked me up around 10:30 and it took an hour or so to get up to the mountain. We walked behind the community center to find the local rifle bird's display branch. Unfortunately it was not present but we saw a few other birds right off the bat. The most striking birds were the immature satin bowerbird and the topknot pigeon. We left the rifle bird spot for a while but returned later to see if he had returned. We even played the call to see if that would spur his territorial behavior but no luck. We got back in the car and headed a few miles down the road to Maiala D'Aguilar forest where there was a rainforest walkway. Here we saw the bower of the satin bowerbird, some wallabies and a few more birds. It started raining harder and so we walked on the rainforest trail for a bit. Just a few more repeats bird wise but some very impressive, large trees. Heavier rain sent us back to the car where we discovered a couple of hitchhikers. Two leeches each had to be removed from our legs. I got the first one off before it was able to bite but the second one was a bit messier. Then it was back to Brisbane where Leslie had gone into town and bought a new phone.

The top of the mountain was shrouded in mist
Neal at the rifle bird's perch
Topknot Pigeon Lifebird #1
A funky red eye
Immature Satin Bowerbird Lifebird #2 with a lavender eye
The male was too fast to photograph but here is his bower
Most of the blue is made up of Lego blocks with a bottle cap and some chip packaging
The ubiquitous brush turkey
A water filled mushroom
A gray fantail Life bird #3
Cicada shells
Climbing the tree
Only to get eaten by a bird
Two Eastern Yellow Robins Lifebird #4
A very cute bird with a lovely song
Large Billed Scrubwren Lifebird #5
A cute little bird
Australian Rufous Fantail Lifebird #6
Lewins Honeyeater Lifebird #7
A wallaby!
A bit shy
Raining harder
Tall tall trees on the rainforest walkway
This would make a great cobra sculpture
On the other side of the mountain the rain stopped
Very old wooden wheel
Rocks at the lookout
It has been 2 years and 177 days since we began our Migration