We made it to the New Farm Market, with shopping trolly in tow, and room in the fridge for more veggies. There was no rain and even a bit of sun on the walk there and we made it through the market before a shower hit. Luckily we were under a large collection of tents at the time. From under the tents we could see a dog park and the Frenchies were zooming all around in the rain. We really enjoyed the dogs, some of them we could pet, and many others walking by. After stocking up on veggies we headed home for lunch. Then we took the bus to the Brisbane Square branch of the library and picked up a book. After that we bought an exercise band, a surface pro computer, and a new set of Ray Ban Smart glasses. We have some hours of unpacking, uploading and initializing in store for us. One issue we have already identified is that Leslie's smart phone is not smart enough for the smart glasses. Not sure if it is an older operating system issue or free space to load the app issue. Add troubleshooting to the list of items to our to-do list.
A masked Lapwing and its chick were along the riverbank
Folks loving the sun
Class is in session
Row row row your boat
A little concert at the market
An "opera" too
We stocked up on veggies
Saw all the cute dogs
Big ones and little ones
Heading back we stopped at a bench
Australian Darter
Lapwing with its chick
Very fuzzy
So much rain that the mushrooms are all fruiting
Other plants are blooming too
A pollinators dream
Some sleepy lorikeets
Life bird for the day
Australasian Swamp Hen
Down at the fishing hole
Back on the bus
In the Library
The big library at Brisbane Square
Protesting 1000 days of war in Ukraine
Queen Street is hopping
Computer shopping
Vary nice facades on the Queen Street Mall
Escher like