Tuesday, November 12, 2024

11 November 2024 Manila: Last day in the Philippines


Our flight was not until midnight so we had one last day in Manila.  We slept in, had breakfast and did some mall walking.  We had a late lunch over at a peri peri chicken place.  Our late late check out was at 6 PM and we headed to the lounge for a bite.  We said our goodbyes to all the helpful staff in the Lounge area and then it was of to the airport.  We were plenty early but there was a gate open so we checked in.  The luggage was a bit over weight but at least it was not so big that it required repacking.  We saw a guy with a huge wok that had to cone out of the box and the box was reconstructed around the wok.  We sat in the lounge for hours and then went down and boarded at 11 PM.  

The chicken place claimed to be spicy

the mall was all decked out

No grooming needed for this eyebrow deficient man

There was a section in the mall for health related shops, nail salons, skin clinics, waxing, barbers and hair stylists

Many guitars 

So many guitars

The first floor was ready for a concert

Korean figures in the Korean restaurant area

A Swedish Christmas horse?

A Japanese Gate

All sorts of Japanese storse and restaurants

A gaming parlor

This reminds me of the Sake containers in Japan




Steven, Matt, Bea and Gizel from right to left


A mini dog park

Not so many Jeepneys around anymore

The repackaging of a huge wok

Sculptures in the lounge

Block heads

Rock Star

We had been to seven of these destinations right at half

 It has been 2 years and 159 days since we began our Migration