Just when you think it can't any better, BOOM! We had a spectacular time at Ueno Park today. It's the place ALL Japanese folks go on Saturday and we just happened to be there. Families were having picnics, bands were playing, magicians were doing magic tricks, and beautiful children were everywhere. In the middle of it all was the Tokyo National Museum! National treasures and important cultural property (their words, not mine). Simply amazing! We bought a spectacular Japanese screen at the museum shop - which means we will have to ship our goodies home. (Lindsay - please watch out for our package.)
As we were leaving the museum, a crow was dive-bombing a family who had been too close to its nest. The attack lasted about 5 minutes and the family had to lay on the ground and cover their heads to avoid serious injury. Finally, they ran fast to get away. Crazy!!!!!
We made our way to the Imperial Gardens to renew our marriage vows. Several folks were very interested in our filming. (Please note that we are having difficulties uploading the video of the renewal of our vows with our iPAD - we are working on it.)