Tuesday, July 12, 2022

11 July 2022 The Forrest house on Orcas Island


We have arrived at the most unique place yet.  When an online property appears too good to be true, you drive up to that place with a bit of skepticism.  Getting to the Forrest House was an adventure in and of itself.  Blind curves, road conditions, steep grades, beautiful vistas right next to slabs of rock.  But we are driving a rental...  With a heightened sense of anticipation we arrived and we knew right away that we had entered a very special space.  Its former name, The Hobbit House, sets the tone for the finishing pieces and architectural flourishes.  All the windows have pointed arches at the top for an Elf like feel.  There are four standalone buildings set up on an elevated deck.  The deck sits atop reenforced concrete pillars raising everything up into the trees.  Walking into the font door we entered the living room building.  Next tot at is the kitchen hut.  Two different buildings are bedrooms.  One of these is a two story tower with the bed up in the top.  Every place that could contain a window has one.  Even the roof is transparent, three large sky light domes are on the top of three of the four buildings.  We cooked sole in butter and Washington cherries.  Still we had time to soak it all in!

Front Door Fancy

Four separate buildings up on an elevated deck

Princess Polly Pavilion Elevated

Living room on the left, kitchen in center

Green roof on this bedroom

Fair Maiden...

Nice digs!

Looking down from the tower

The top bedroom has a porch

Sunken tub

Biggest skylight

Huge trees all around

Bright daylight...

Turned into sunset mountain

The Fair Maiden's tower is still lit


t has been 37 days since we began our Migration.