Thursday, July 7, 2022

7 July 2022 Olympic National Park WA


Word about Port Angeles is that the best time to go to the top of Hurricane Ridge is in the morning.  I made a thermos of tea and Robert and I headed up to the top, 5200 feet.  There was a line at the ranger station waiting for the bathroom to open at 10 AM.  I was not the only one drinking tea. We walked a trail up a bit and through the trees.  If I had brought a map I would have stopped to consult said map often on the way up.  Instead, I just stopped to catch my breath, my flatlander lungs are less efficient up at altitude.  We could see Mount Olympus off in the distance and wonder about its residents.  

I brought along my portraiturist 


Hurricane Ridge with Mount Olympus in the background

Tiny Lupins

Top of the morning to you all

Green as far as the eye can see

A patchwork of colors

A delicate bloom dappled in dew

Straight Conifers

and bent

Regular busses and stretch busses

The fog lay thick in the valley

And us the side of the hill too

Brisk and beautiful

Blue green and mountainous

After I suggested a 10 mile hike, Robert is skeptical of my trail skills

It has been 33 days since we began our Migration.