There were many beautiful things here at Butchart Gardens but the most beautiful is my Sweet Pea. You may want to grab a cup of coffee and sit back because I have gone overboard on all the flower pictures! This garden is privately owned and covers 55 acres. The highlights were the rose garden, the dalias, and the Sunken Garden. So many stunning blooms everywhere that we spent four hours without even realizing how long we were oohing and ahhing. As we were leaving, we stopped into the gift shop and struck up a great conversation with Devin. He is only 21 years old but is the bassoon player in two different orchestras. He is studying to be a music teacher. Perhaps we will see him again out in the world.
118 years to be exact
A riot of color
So elaborate
Blooms up high
Blooms down low
Even the reptiles are colorful
The Sunken Garden was developed in 1906 at the site of a limestone quarry
Stock everywhere
Even the trees were places with forethought
Silly with the Lillies
Great balls of flower
8 inches across
Water lilly
A nice fountain
Turned into a great fountain
Totem Pole made for the 100th anniversary
Even the trash cans were decorated
This bed went on for 20 feet
Mr. Bee says howdy!
Don't dilly dally, get to the dalias
The symmetry
Who would not want to pollinate these?
The Dragon Fountain
Almost as big as my head
Hot lips flowers
Flowers within flowers
Lilly time
The sweet peas and my sweet pea!
Burtsing out
Blue tower
In the rose garden
Ketchup and mustard
Flower after flower
Color after color
Some delicate
Some bold
Three Sturgeons fountain
Another Dragon
Japanese Garden
Even had mushrooms
Dusky colored ferns
Spotty Dotty was the name of this plant
Up we go
Frogs in the star fountain
A very cool leaf
Horton hears about these puffs
More pea plants, this time with pea pods
Devin the master of the bassoon
Time flying by