The distance from Victoria to Port Angeles id 22.5 miles and the ferry ride usually takes 90 minutes. Our ferry ride ran a bit longer, but we did not mind as it was a very nice day. The sun was shining the cool breeze was not bone chilling, dolphins were surfacing off in the distance. My high school buddy Robert was waiting for us when we landed. We headed up to his house where Kim was waiting to greet us with smiles and hugs. Port Angeles has the deepest port on the west coast of the US and used to be a big naval base prior to WW2. The town was chartered by the US Congress, the second one after Washington DC. There is a huge manmade breakwater named the Ediz Hook that we drove out onto after we got some Vietnamese food for lunch. We took a bit of a tour about town, checked into our AirBnB and then headed back for a great crab dinner. Robert and Kim are the best hosts in the land!
Victoria has a really pretty harbor
Heading out into the Straight of San Juan de Fuca
Nice boats and buildings on the way out
These bike racks, on the front of the ferry, show how many folks come over just for a ride
Our destination, Port Angeles
Two seal mammals in the top left corner.
Robert and Kim live here
Some great flowers around the house
Mural of an actual ferry of old. It is not an airstream on the water as it may appear, it looks like the Admiral of the old St Louis Riverfront.
On the jetty. It is called the Ediz Hook
The Olympic Peninsula in the background
A bit of drift wood art
I could have some fun out here making things
Lots of local artisanal gins to choose from
One lucky customer at the bar
Now which glass to drink out of?
Time to choose a wine
First the sommelier glasses
Yes we have the right wine!
A good time was had by all!
It has been 31 days since we began our Migration.