Saturday, January 6, 2024

6 January 2024 Alexandria: The National Museum of Alexandria the Old Stuff


Here we are with Akhenaten the 10th Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty.  He ruled for 17 years and made the big mistake of kicking out all the old gods and picking a single new god, the Sun God Aton! A big mistake, as he got "canceled" after his death,  His name was removed from the lists of rulers, his statues were removed from his temples and he pretty much ended the 18th dynasty,  Nefertiti was his Queen and Tutankhamen his son.  This giant head that we are posing in front of seems to be a misshapen giant head for a human!  All of these items are housed  in a mansion built by lumber barons at the turn of the century.  The collection was grouped into Egyptian pieces from the old, middle and new kingdoms in the basement.  Egyptian items from the Greek and Roman times on the first floor.  Coptic and Islamic pieces were on the second floor.

The steps leading up to the museum.  

Great Greco-Roman pottery

This is a new type of ceramic for us

No doubt a wine swilling cup

A winged beastie from the Saqqara region

These were awards given to the pantheistic athletes

A most delightful oil lamp

An intriguing way to display artifacts; use a beam to fill the room diagonally and dangle the pieces from the beam.  We imagined it may be a seismic adaptation 

A row of intact amphorae

The Pharoah on the left is doing a bit of flirting 

A satyr holding a bearded man mask

Ap Ptolemaic queen with headdress

These items were recovered from the seabed.  Large parts of Alexandria subsided into the sea due to soil liquification, flooding, earthquakes and / or tsunamis.

I love how  the underwater photo is matched  with the piece

From the depths

Look I found a bug!

Some of the finer recovered pieces were sent to other museums

Gold fever!  Alexander the Great coinage

Later coins were much larger, Carlos IV of Spain

Older Geek and Roman coins

Still covered in marine life and cleaned items side by side 

Scuba and huge statue

Wearing the combined crowns of upper an lower Egypt

Nice bob cut on Meresankh from Giza

A scribe is making an offering while his wife and daughters are dancing in white robes

A very detailed piece where the pharaoh is with a large staure of a god 

These block statues were popular in the 6th century BCE 

They offered a larger space to write on

This is a male figure but there is a fish net kind of covering on the midriff area


This pharaoh Ramses II, early in his reign looks a bit bored

Goddess Sekhmet 

The god Amann

Nice necklaces

A very detailed bird

Alabaster was used as a sculptural material with great results, Tithtmose III as a sphynx 

This capitol, the top of a column is of the goddess  Hathor Middle Kingdom

A scribe ready to scribble, old kingdom

Queen Hatshepsut, decreed herself as a Pharaoh because her son was too young to rule

The falcon representing Horus id shown here in limestone

Pepi Sennefer is giving an offering which is listed on the side

Enemies from the north from the first pyramid, the stepped pyramid


Old Kingdon seated Ptah-hor-nefer

A wooden boat model of the bot that takes you to the underworld

In the tomb one needs slaves to make beer, grain and bread for the deceased

A trip through time, three portraits of Mersuanks over his lifetime

Another alabaster statue from Giza

Detail of a wooden statue

The lessons learned from working with wood transferred over to working with stone, old kingdom from Saqqara

Down into the tomb display

Anubis the Jackal

Different amulets placed in with the mummy are helpful in the passage to the afterlife

Gold amulets.  

Some 70 or so amulets can be found wrapped up in a mummy

Three nested coffins

The top most 


Inner most

The canopic jars that contain the organs, lungs, liver, insestines and stomach


It has been 1 year and 216 days since we began our Migration