Friday, January 5, 2024

3 January 2024 Alexandria: A Drive Through the Market Street and Then to the Bibliotheca Alexandria


The scale of this space is hard to comprehend.  The white dots in the center of the photo are six foot tall book shelves!  Alexandria's Library was a beacon of learning back in the ancient times but it was looted and partially burned when Julius Cesar supported a civil war.  Started in 300 BCE, the library was one of the largest in the world and it was envisioned that it was to hold a copy of every book ever published.  Great works were collected but the humidity of a coastal town and continued civil unrest made it difficult to maintain the papyrus scrolls and the books.  After the initial fire many of the surviving volumes were transferred to the temple of Sarapeum.  However this temple was destroyed among others in 391 AD after a decree to banish all idol worship.  The new Library was an attempt to revive the old library.  In 1974 the process began and a parcel of land was obtained.  Construction was started in 1995 and it was completed in 2002.  France donated 500,000 books and the library has shelf space for 8,000,000 books.  It is huge and sprawling.  There are specialty collections for the blind, for kids, for maps and more.  There are four museums, four art galleries and a planetarium.  The exterior walls are covered in the scripts of 200 alphabets.  Inside the reading room is 200,000 square meters!

So many textiles

No joker here!

Ducks, a lone turkey and a lone goose

Rabbit stew for dinner would be nice

These ducks are so full, they must be sold by weight

Pigeons for sale

Notice the green light, we should be able to go

These lamps are very ornate but what is going on with the light post in the background?

The mosques always seem to be able to keep their buildings nicely upkept

Snake drinks?

Sponges for sale

Super detailed

Cow onesie!

Danger on a bike!

200 different scripts

The building is a huge arc

The art starts right away

New, old, modern, abstract and classic art pieces everywhere

A tree of books

This library goes on and on

With little tusks on the right side

An iron box used to store the royal seals and other printing tidbits

An envelope folding machine from England

This is the seal of the library in tapestry form

More printing paraphernalia

Elegant and tall

This is author Taha Hussein, Dean of Arabic Literature

Author Abbas Mohamud al-Aqqad

The building is also a piece of art

This is Tawfiq al-Hakin a pioneer in  "Closet Drama"

A press for printing

Tiny books

Marketing by carnivores?

The beauty of some of the books

On and on it goes

A scanning electron microscope

Henrik Ibsen a Norwegian playwright the father of realism and  influential in the introduction of  modernism in theater

Seen from afar

A lion

A scale model of the library

Classic marble

There was a graduation ceremony about to commence.  We saw many bouquets of flowers and robes about to be worn

The planetarium

A parting sculpture that was found in the waters off the coast by underwater archeologists 

It had been 1 year and 213 days since we began our Migration