A free Concert of Classical Music 16 July Chicago Concert

Here it is, our last day of activities on this trip. One thing that we really like about travel is how it helps you be in the moment. We know that there is a plan for tomorrow but when you are on the road its the plan for today that is in the forefront. What better way to cap this reconnection trip but to spend an evening with Susan. She was also at out original wedding in Boothbay, making her the 9th person from the wedding that we were able to visit with. The concert stared at 6:30 but we got there early to get seats. Yes, actual seats with back support and a great view. Take that you lawn dwellers! We brought champagne and Susan brought cups to drink out of. I purchased a can of wine for only $10 from the stand. It was a Sterling Cab and one of the best values I can recall for venue wine. Susan also brought a fine platter with cheese, cranberries, salami and apricots. We snacked, drank, talked and laughed right up to the start of the concert. A fabulous way to reconnect. The rain finally caught up to us and we had to don ponchos during the Bernstein section of the concert. It was a light rain so the show continued without interruption. There were three pieces presented with Sibelius's 5th symphony as the finale. We went back to Susan's incredible place on the 43rd floor overlooking the lake. It was very nice and the view was so spectacular that I was able to be on the balcony for 5 full minutes soaking up the view before my dislike for heights got the better of me. We then moseyed over to our hotel for a few drinks before calling it a night. We are off to the Airport early tomorrow.
No need for a boring old stairway, its a groovy one instead
A system of interior walkways for the cold months
Dog park in Susan's back yard
Flag Row
Early as usual
Very tasty bubbly
Three cheers for us! Sip, Sip, Champagne!
Let the concert begin
A massive stage
A massive camera lens
Surprise, its raining!
As the light changed, so to did the reflections off of the metal work
Flowers in the six acre park that Susan gets to see from her balcony and enjoy at her leisure
A green oasis in the city
The view in the fading light
The big egg is lit up and morphing
There is an indoor pool under here
More foggy
Lake view, look at all the boats
The park system off in the distance
That's a wrap, see you soon.