Saturday, July 3, 2021

Kris and Dave arrive in Boothbay Harbor

 2 July 2021 Boothbay Harbor

Dave and Kristine have arrived after a long drive from South NJ via Boston.  We showed wedding pictures on the TV and we laughed several times.  Kristine told us the story of how she drove the entire trip 14 years ago with Katelyn and Roxanne.  This was during the infancy of GPS and she had a tomtom.  However tomtom had never been up tp these parts so his guidance stopped after Portland.  She asked for directions multiple times and was told to "go a piece and then turn at the red barn", and "just a hiccup more till you turn at the red barn".  Unfortunately piece and hiccup are not standard units of distance and red barns are everywhere.  I have included a picture of her and the girls as they arrived to Spruce Point Inn after nine hours of driving.  As you can see from the picture she is a beautiful yet frazzled driver.  This time they stopped in Boston on the way up.  We are getting smarter with age.  We swapped stories and then went to the veggie stand for fresh cucumbers, sunflowers, pickled fiddleheads and berries.   A yummy lunch will be consumed tomorrow.  We wandered through town looking for T-shirts, warner jackets and a lobster bandanna.  The Lobster bandanna that I seek is one that has lobsters wild hot peppers in their claws and flames out of their butts.  Still looking....

2004 after a long drive

That is Maine

Several times on our walks we have been enveloped in floral scents

Silly lily yellow and red

FLowers right outside our place

I wonder how much this AirBnB costs?

How wet is that doggie in the window?

Bought a new book as my current book is nearing the end

The town is awash in flowers

All the business owners seem to take extra care to plans a flower box

Low Tide

The tide is coming back in.