Friday, July 2, 2021

Our home for the next few days

 1 July 2021  Boothbay Harbor

We have determined that it is relatively easy to decorate a place in Maine.  On the check list would be:  boat models, nautical charts, a buoy or two, fishing nets and something made from driftwood.  Not to imply that our AirBnB is a cliché, it is elegant and homey, but it fits into the pattern.  We like this place and made ourselves right at home.  There was rain in the prediction so we got dinner at the store while we were stocking up.  We drove over to where we saw a farmers vegetable stand but it was closed.  Luckily an ice cream stand was open next door and we each got a pint.

From our porch looking across the street to the harbor

Cribbage anyone?

Comfy chairs abound

Lots of space

The upstairs bedroom

The other upstairs bedroom

Not near as many stairs as NYC

A homemade reminder of a low doorway.  Save the brain!

The flowers of Maine are every where

Bold and purple

Where are the pollinators?

So many lilies along the roads

The stairs to the left are our fire escape

Not quite to our place yet, its still off to the left