3 July 2021 Boothbay Harbor Maine
Peaking out from amongst the trees is a troll is named Roskva. He has four other troll friends in this forest. They are spread out over the 250 acres of land and one must seek them out using the maps provided. Each troll devotes their energies to a different part of the trees around them. They are all acting together to collect as many seeds as possible. In fact the name of the art installation is the Guardians of the Seeds. The trolls were all created from recycled and reused wood by Danish artist Tomas Dambo. They are very large sculptures and quite detailed. Climbing on them was allowed but only up to the legs. It was difficult for the kids, plus an adult or tow, not to keep climbing higher. I was not always able to get a clear shot without people but they do give a sense of scale to the art. Lots of additional art was scattered around. There was even a Fairy Garden for kids that had rocks and other materials spread around for discovery. We had fun seeking out all of the trolls. There was even a puzzle in the map, that once it was solved, gave a hint as to where to look for the golden seeds collected by the trolls.
Hanging on to the tree to support himself
Here they give the rules for climbing and the details of this troll
You can see how big he is
A typical Nordic expression
A much happier child like troll
Lila likes the flowers like I do
Some fancy shingle work
Open arms
Birk likes the roots of the trees, I like his wiskers
Spread out wide
Maybe doing a yoga pose
My favorite
Bearded troll
The most playful troll
He likes the branches
Leslie had this hair do back in the 90's
The next to last troll in the forest
Zen like expression
Definitely a yoga pose
Ohmmmmm, shanti
I like the geodesic look to the face
Gro leaves it in the forest
A waterfall
The power of roots: they split the rock in two
Circular reasoning
The gates to granite
Funny bunny
An oversized pine cone
Fairy land
Lots of tricks, shells, bark, fungi and such for kids to discover
Classic view of Maine lakes
King Cod