Wednesday, June 29, 2022

29 June 2022: Jasper AB: Maligne Canyon

First we went east and then north of Jasper to see Maligne Canyon, Patricia Lake and Pyramid Lake.  Maligne Canyon is a collapses cave system that a river has sculpted into fantastic shapes.  It is a powerful river and the roar is loud.  There are several bridges across the narrow chasm and trails on each side.  There was a tour guide with a group and I overheard her tell them that squirrels often hang mushrooms up in the trees to dry.  She said that after becoming aware of this behavior, she sees the mushrooms everywhere.  We then drove to a couple of lakes on the north side of town.  We saw some picturesque groves of beech trees and just poked around the edges of the lakes.  Another tour of the town and we stopped in for some lunch at a salad place.  Along the was we saw more top notch flowers.

It is very deep

This tree gives you a feel for the scale

A huge flow

That cool green color of the water

The mist from the water makes this area super lush

A rock that was wedged in the gap and is now sheathed in moss

What a special place

Further down stream you can see the amount of water

A grove of birch trees

Packed in tightly

Pyramid Lake

Is this the pyramid?

Lake Patricia

The abundant lilacs are pungent

Perhaps the finest flower basket yet

Day 22 of our Migration