Thursday, May 16, 2024

15 May 2024 Tokyo: Der Weiner Sangerknaben


The Global Ring Theater is an outdoor venue that is just a few blocks away from the apartment.  We have passed it several times and researched it on the interweb.  We saw that the Vienna Boys Choir were going to sing there so we put the date in our calendar.  There are seats that they set up but the seats were sold out before we even knew that the concert was scheduled.  Since it was an outdoor concert we were still able to attend without having tickets.  There were some benches along the perimeter where we could sit.  Also we stood for a while towards the end of the show to get the feeling back in our nether regions.  The show was a mix of classical and modern tunes.  We especially enjoyed  the Sound of Music tunes Edelweiss and The Lonely Goatherd.

So many choices, caviar flavor of Iberian ham?

The frog picks caviar flavor

The ring in the Global Ring

A polite reminder of the rules

No pictures of the performance were allowed but here is a promo shot up on the top of the stage

As the rain picked up, they passed out ponchos to the folks in the seats

Some umbrellas for folks 

The crowd was very respectful

I snapped a shot during the last song

Thankfully the rain never got too intense

It has been 1 year and 345 days since we began our Migration