Sunday, May 26, 2024

25 May 2024 Toyama: The Museum of Folklore


Out on the edge of town is the Toyama Municipal Museum of Folklore.  It is nine different buildings all in one area.  Most of these buildings have been relocated to this spot so that they can all be accessed together.  We started at the Thatched Roof Folk Art Museum, moved to the Folk Art Museum and then the Clay Dolls Studio.  Next we sat for tea in the Tea Ceremony House and had a small bean paste sweet along with the tea.  We moved next to the Museum of Archeology. Museum of Ceramic Art and finally the Museum of Folklore.  Two other museums were closed for that day, the Museum of Medicine Peddlers and the Gyujin Memorial Art Gallery.  The use of Folklore and Folk-art are fairly interchangeable when it comes to the contents of the museums.  

The Thatched Roof Folk Art Museum

A wall in the back yard

Very elaborate system to hang pots and kettles over the fire

Here is the hanging kettle

All of these large chests were on wheels

A staircase and cabinet

Also on wheels

Lovely chest

Nice mustache!

A pile of ashes?

Watch out for the turtle

So many cool chests

Is this functional?

Great iron work on the chest

Huge beams making up the building

Next museum


Watch out for the murder hornets

This museum was largeer

This chair was so knobby

Rug of a castle

Such funky straw robes


Fish pot hanger


Reeds or straw?

Bang the gong!

So many styles

We would wear these if we could

A incense burner?

More wheels

Mother of Pearl

More huge beams

So fancy!

The center beam holding up the roof

Moving through the museums at a snail pace

Water lily

So pretty!

Great flower arrangement at the tea house

Our macha tea and our sweet

Leslie's tea cup is nicer

So delicate

They gave us instructions on how to drink the tea properly

Tiny sword is provided to eat the sweet

Great view from the tea ceremony

A fat cat

The view from behind the tea house

A living flower arrangenment

The ceramic workshop

A wise old mascot

Old men!

Archeology!  From 15,000 to 500 BCE

Goggle eyes!

A dig from the 50's

A mask re-constructed 


Even the small cat has something to say

Next Museum!

Ceramic Arts

This jug was my favorite


Mr. Mustache!

Delicate glasses

Is is broken?

Four levels of beams

Looking up to the ceiling

This panel is exquisite

The rose colored wood is so beautiful

The center area is so tall

A tiny outbuilding

A phone booth

Off we go to the last museum

Gool glass

The Museum of Folklore

Woody the horse

The rest of woody

Woven shoes and boots

What is this beast in the beehive?

Old phones

A model of a pagoda

Implements of torture, aka sandals 

A water bucket

A rickshaw

Up on the second floor

Very small mill stones

More reeds woven together

Big basket

Serious hand saws

The inside of the thatched roof


For horses!

It has been 1 year and 355 days since we began our Migration