Thursday, May 30, 2024

30 May 2024 Nagano: The Huge Zenkoji Temple Complex


As you can see from the picture above, these temples buildings are huge.  There are shops and restaurants all along the street leading up to the temples and shrines.  We got an early start today as we wanted to take advantage of the free shuttle into town.  It left the hotel at 9:50!  Goodness that is early for us retired folks.  We took a bus to the temple area and it let us off a few blocks away.  There was a cool shop that we stopped in and picked up a few items, coasters, a spoon, a handkerchief and an pendant.  Then we walked through the temple complex.  We saw young kids walking around with clipboards and we knew what this meant.  These kids were out practicing their English.  We had talked with junior high kids way back in 2014 when we were first in Japan.  So we stopped and talked with one group, then another group and then a third.  They were in groups of three and four and invariably there was one kid too shy to say anything.  One kid was the brave one but not necessarily the one with the best English, so sometimes this one needed prompting. We ducked down a side street and had some time to just enjoy the neighborhood.  Then we found a bench and ate our lunch.  As we were headed off to another area I heard the "hello, hello, helloooo" of another group.  This time I was mobbed with seven or eight kids around me.  Leslie was some ways away and she could see them laughing and giggling.  My fourth English practice session was my last so we stayed to the exterior of the grounds after that.  We walked to the Art Museum after that.  

Leftovers from the Olympic games

Large wooden lanterns

In the shop

A surfing rabbit

The shopkeeper carefully folded the package

Many older buildings in the center square

These roses were huge

An odd decoration

A sundial?

More large wooden lanterns

Very crowded 

Bahama bulls

The monks here have very fancy robes

Still wearing the sandals of torture

Squid or noodles?

Fancy wooden gate

A baby loving deity 

A huge incense censor 

Red hats are all the style

Everyone is wearing them

From this angle it looks like a new mom with her baby

A fancy type of prayer 


This gate is so tall

Ripped beast!

Giant wood carvings

All the kids in white hats were out practicing their English

Leslie is so patient

The chicken wire would be better if it were  painted black

The three faced statue

Nice beard

My first group

Do not touch the dog!

Next time we will have to try the Oyaki

Time for a nose job

Gilded beauty

Her comes the senior council

Another huge bloom

Enter to a peaceful oasis

The Dragon!

This one seems to be new

Kobe Beef!

Rows of red hats

I get the hats, there are lots of pigeons, but why the bibs?

Everywhere you look there are huge temple buildings

The name for Zenkoji Temple

Lots of key chains

Lots of very old trees, some have seen better days

One of the English Teachers

Smoke is rising from a huge incense burner

It sure smelled good

A nice grove of trees right next tot he temple

The Brown Eared Bulbul in full squeak mode.  The call of this bird sounded like a puppy with a squeaky toy in its mouth

Another huge building

We are loving Japan

Cuteness for all the cows

What a tree this must have been

It has been 1 year and 360 days since we began our Migration