Tuesday, May 21, 2024

20 May 2024 Nagoya: Taxi, Fast Train, Taxi and Stroll

We woke to rain and so we decided to take a taxi to the Tokyo Station.  there was ample time to spare once we reached the station so we stood up on the platform and watched all of humanity come and go.  The train trip was only an hour and a half and we hardly had time to relax when it was time to get out, get into a taxi and head to the Ibis hotel.  It is not the most luxurious of rooms but it is passible.  We needed to walk out the kinks so we headed out to the old preserved houses.  When the Nagoya Castle was built in the 1610 they moved the entire town of Kiyosu, 7 km to this site.  The abrupt migration was called the Kiyosu-goshi.  All of these buildings were destroyed in a fire in 1700 but the buildings from that era survive to this day.  We continued walking and found a covered shopping arcade and another temple.  Keeping up the walking we found ourselves on the way to the Sky Promenade.  This is a 47th floor observation deck that is open at the top so it was rather pleasant.  

Track #18 on our way to Nagoya

First the cleaning crew must do their jobs

An Owl in the lobby of the wrong Hotel

This si the decor of our hotel

Nagano has some delightful manhole covers

We are close to the fish markets

Five scenes from around town

A water strider on the covers that were in the street

Great streetlights

Nagoya Castle

A fancy bridge

A tree of lights

Fancy light fixture on the bridge

The arrows show the direction of the tourist trail


Mossy stone lantern

Prayer Flags

A delicate flower

Very detailed structure on the roof

Another tourist indicator in the street

Many of the housed have flower gardens

A waterfall walkway, large boots optional

We came upon a large covered shopping arcade

Half price wine!

Another shrine, these look like birdhouses

A portable shrine for carrying through the streets

Water is always available at a shrine

Another block of covered street

Beautiful tree!

A very large temple grounds

Fancy interior of the temple

My, my, my, what is up with this sheep?

One street had a sculpture on each corner

The second one 

This cover was more geometric

The Shachihoko is a mythical fish that can control the rain and store water

This one is rather large

A large stuffed cat

A big spider, yikes

A crossing at a school with flags in buckets.  Are the flags for the kids to grab?

The smallest shrine even.  It is just a bit bigger than a vending machine

Lucky eights


We took a ride up to the 47th floor observation promenade

A great day for it!

The elevator also had a window

A very nice building

Tearing down a building from the inside

Off to the port area and the sea

The third largest city in Japan and it shows

Our Hotel is grey with a green sign

The castle off in the distance

A bit disorienting 

The promenade is along all four sides of the building

Sky Promenade

Long set of stairs


Expensive $500K to $1.5M

Crabs and eels

More groovyness

Nice lamps!

It has been 1 year and 350 days since we began our Migration