Sunday, May 19, 2024

18 May 2024 Tokyo: A Festival in Shinjuko With Puppets


A festival centered around the Zenkokji Temple and the Akagi Shrine was a good reason to head out.  We had already gotten much of the prep work completed for our departure from Tokyo and we had the time to spare.  We wanted to make good use of the last few days we had here so this was right up our alley.  We zipped down to the main temple where they had a kids zone.  The kids were learning how to spin tops and making old time toys.  They gave us a schedule of events and we saw that the next performance was a little bit of a  hike away at the Akagi Shrine.  A-hiking we did go and we saw a demonstration of kuruma ningyo kind of puppetry.  This is puppetry where the puppeteer sits on a wheeled seat, attaches the legs of the puppet to his feet, and uses his hands to manipulate the arma and face of the puppet.  Once they showed us all the parts the puppeteer and his back up band put on a show.  After this we walked to a park where the kids were all playing.  I was searching for some stamps but it turns out the stamp quest was not until the next day.  We stopped in a hole in the wall restaurant and have some things that we did not know what they were.  We cooled down in the restaurant as the temps are starting to rise in Tokyo.  Then it was back on the train.

If only I was still collecting these chop stick holders

The Zenkokji Temple

Some sort of mythical beast

Spinning tops

A strawberry top for a hat

Old building at the Akagi Shrine

God's Dream is the translation


A big centipede 

Some gates to top it all off

Howling wolf

Cute dogs

The band is warming up

A puppet master describing the equipment

First the legs, then the rest of the attachments


This puppet does look a bit scary

It must be the eyebrows

They were playing music behind him

The  lady on the left narrated the story

Her glasses make her look a bit dour

A cute kid on her dads shoulders

The narrative was sung or chanted

Put your hands up in the air!

The puppet is getting tired

The crowd goes wild!

More mythical beasts

Rabbits are the shrine's animal

We almost stopped to buy some classic homewares

A sticker

Celebrating the light fixtures

Walking back

More fine ironwork

Five little pigs lure  us in

Decorations on the wall

Seats at the bar

My sour melon, pork and tofu dish

Leslie ordered fried rice, or so she thought she did

Next to us two guys were wearing Red Hot Chili Peppers t-shirts, they were going to the concert that evening

Snake juice anyone?

An entire team came onto the train

It has been 1 year and 348 days since we began our Migration