Thursday, May 23, 2024

22 May 2024 Nagoya: The Tokugawa Gardens and a Dinner of Yakatori


We left the Art Museum to wander the gardens.  The gardens were large and extensive.  There were iris beds that had some insanely beautiful blooms.  Water lily beds that were just starting to bloom.  Koi fish in abundance with lots of room for them to swim about.  Several bridges spanned  the lake and the walking paths.  The weather was delightful with some clouds and a bit of wind to keep things cool. We lingered in the gardens and then rode home in an Uber.  We tried unsuccessfully to get a seat at the two highest rated Yakatori restaurants nearby.  One looked nice but the looks we got when entering would not have been much different had we been Grizzley bears.  The second one was in a basement  reached buy a narrow hall past dirty mops and beer barrels.  We were relieved that they did not have a seat for us either.  Finally we found a restaurant just across the street.  There were only six other patrons in this place but we were quite happy to join them and we were pleased with our meals.  

These two gents were taking along time to decide if they wanted to enter

The gardens were quite large with many bridges and a large lake

The irises were superb

Darker blue

These were the best

So pretty

The iris beds were only half in bloom

So magnificent now and we can only imaging how nice they will be in another week or two

Pink and pretty

Water lily

Koi fish, of course

A great old boat and boat house

A tiny lighthouse

Mamma duck and her ducklings

Koi galore

Watch out ducky!

A cute little morsel of a duckling

This was my favorite of all the fish

The lake is very large


This section of the lake was very beautiful

The ripples from an incoming koi

The large bridge that we walked over to enter the park

Miss Leip in the distance

These hydrangeas are just getting started

Iridescent blooms

Lovely blooms

At our dinner place, our third attempt

More beer less foam!

Turn of the century drunkeness

Appetizer bacon, but wait it is raw!

A hot iron puck to cook it on is all we need

Japanese pickles, Leslie is pleased

Soft boiled quail eggs in soy sauce

Chicken hearts

Apple based sake


This guy was as interested in us as we were in him

Skilled hands at work

At the end he came over to us and asked all the questions that were going through his head all night

Walking back over the river

We were treated to a beautiful scene

Flowers lights and calm water

Good job Nagoya

It has been 1 year and 352 days since we began our Migration