Thursday, May 30, 2024

30 May 2024 Nagano: A Early Morning Birding Walk Along the Hiro River


We hit the hay very early the previous evening so when I woke up early I decided to head out a look at birds.  It was a bit chilly but I had long sleeves and the sun was beaming.  I walked a total of 2 miles starting a 7 AM and ending at 8.  I saw several birds and one new lifebird.   Then I got breakfast for me and smuggled something up for Leslie who was trying to get more sleep.

A lifebird a bull headed shrike

Bull Headed Shrike

Over the roof is the mountain

The Hiro River is in it's channel

To the east

Very clear morning air to the west


Rows of blooms

Reeds with he hill in the background

Purple flowers

A black Kit

To get to these mountains it takes over an hour

Not that long as the kite flies

Great snow capped mountains

This bird stayed on this post for a long time

Off goes the heron


Barn Swallows

Great acrobatic fliers

The tail looks like a butterfly

Such a beautiful bird

Iridescent blue

Bell towers all over town

Iron towers

Onion patch


Shelf fungus right by the hotel.

It has been 1 year and 360 days since we began our Migration