Monday, May 27, 2024

26 May 2024 Toyama: Off to Stroll in the Park

Stroll, stroll, stroll. stroll, a strolling we shall go!  We found some park benches to have our lunch.  These were next to a fountain where we got to watch several kids playing in the fountain, a few kids cautiously approaching the fountain and a dog what wanted to attack the fountain.  Then we strolled about.  We checked out a boat ride but next departure time was a hour away so we passed on that.  We found a cool little bird watching blind and saw a little grebe.  We were mindful of the time because the Sunday busses run few and far between.   We scoped out out bus stop for the 3:47 bus back into town and at 3:25 a bus shows up!  We hop on and soon find out it is going on a different route than we expected.  Two stops into the ride and the bus driver calls out "last stop."  Oh well, we get out, he walks us over to where the stop is, checks the schedule and tells us when the next bus will arrive.  It was only a 15 minute wait and we got to see two wagons filled with little kids roll by us.  Once we got on the second bus we actually go int he correct direction and get back to where we thought our bus stop was at 3:47!

Walking over to the bridge we passed this decorative bell

A system for water control

One bridge of about a dozen in this small area

Hello Kitty!

Who might this sassy girl be?

A massive bridge structure with viewing towers on either side

A funky bus with too many wheels

The snow is still on the mountains

Looking back over to the Art Museum from the lookout

Where to the power lines go to from here?

These are expansive 

A little grebe

Spot billed duck

Japanese wagtail

So many canals

Over the river

Barn Swallow

A cute little bird

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Oriental Greenfinch

Such a nice song

A white cheeked starling

Last stop!

We will take this bus back to where we started

Art to watch while we are waiting for the bus

The hospital is where the line ended

A white wagtail

Another empty bus 

A statue on our ride back to the hotel

We saw the giant shoes on the right side compared to a normal shoe on the left

We wanted a quick and fast dinner so we went to Shogun Hamburgers

They make their own hot sauce!

Branded with a Samurai helmet

We did some damage

The wall is signed by lots of folks

Quite the eye catching sign

Some tiles in a random ally

Let the moss grow

There is a tulip town just north from here

It is easier to get your orientation with signs such as these

Another beautiful man home cover

It has been 1 year and 356 days since we began our Migration