Thursday, May 9, 2024

8 May 2024 Tokyo: Off to the Hisaka a Gin Bar


We did some research about gin bars and Leslie found the Hisaka.  It is a craft gin bar that offers tastings and sells gin as well.  This is our kind of place.  First the bar opens at 3:00 PM (it is 5:00 someplace). Second it was a small place and the owner was there to greet us and serve us.  In fact there were no other customers on this rainy afternoon so we had Mr. Hisaka's undivided attention.  That was probably a good thing since there were only three stools at he bar and so there would have not been much room for anyone else.  At 5:00 PM the speakeasy part of the bar opened.  This space seated 10 or 12 people but it was hidden behind a sliding bookcase.  

Near as I can tell all these animated characters are from the same artist

This kid must need to buy a new pair of shoes every other day

It looks like my mustache top center

Who is this mysterious animator? 

A unique facade and "spires" on this church

the wind was whipping up and a storm approaches

Carp kites

Then the wind dies down

Take out?  Yes we will take two bottles of gin with us.

Such a cute logo

The top row has all het Japanese gin,  the rows below that have gins from around the world.  We have had 17 of the 32 gins on the next two shelves.

Leslie's first drink

Impact is my first selection.  Notice the left side drink in a lavender color

Hiroyasu Ogura mixes up a great G'nT

The Bluebird Gin started out blue and then turned lavender with the tonic

I liked the Impact Gin as my first drink

Art deco and Navy Strength

This was Leslie's second drink and is the Bar's Own Gin, "The Hisaka"

My second was Navy Strength Kikka Gin

Our tasting selection

Coffee flavored

Great for martinis with a flavor of Shiso the leaf served with sushi

100 Botanicals if you can believe it! 

The last of the samples

I had my third and last drink with this complex gin

Leslie chose this for her third drink

At 5 PM they open up the speakeasy the video below shows the entry

Much more room back here!

It has been 1 year and 338 days since we began our Migration